Situated in the picturesque countryside of Porto Pollo, this enchanting villa enjoys an enviable location, a short distance from the renowned Porto Pollo beach and Isola dei...
Palau | Capo D'Orso | Prestigious villa with panoramic view Situated in an exclusive location at Capo D'Orso in Palau, Sardinia, we offer for sale a villa with a...
Located a few minutes from the beautiful beaches of Porto Liscia and Barrabisa, between Porto Pozzo and Palau, we offer for sale a villa immersed in 3.5 hectares of private...
Located just a few meters from the shore on La Sciumara beach, in Palau, Sardinia, we offer for sale an exclusive villa. The property, surrounded by wild and unspoiled...
In the enchanting countryside of San Pasquale, near Palau, Sardinia, we offer for sale 40 hectares of agricultural land. A unique opportunity for nature lovers and open...